Friday 24 February 2012

Picnics in the Park.

Where I reside the summers are usually warm are long. The days are clear, hot and sunny with a chance of an afternoon storm. Now of late our weather has been compared much to the same of the lower state Victoria. Cold one minute with torrential rain just to have the day end in a steamy sun set in sweltering heat. On this lovely weekend it was a friends day of birth and to celebrate decided to have a picnic down by the water, it is summer after all, so may as well make the most of it, Vitamin D really is a key ingredient to smiles. The boys were happy to play cricket whilst the ladies sat and sipped cocktails whilst catching up on all the gossip and telling stories. It was one of 'those' days, however. Woke up to a stormy sky and a rainy drive all the way up the coast to our destination. Lucky for us the Lass we were meeting claimed an under cover area in the park just to have the sun come out and play for the rest of the day. Well, to see us into the night and onto a bar to belt out some (bad) tunes at Karaoke. What a day it turned out to be. Ciders, Jack Daniels, catch ups with old friends and new ones and sunsets on a very pretty jetty.
Thanks for loads more pretty memories friends. This is what I wore.

Outfit: The skirt I just purchased at Kmart, I think a white skirt and a white T is a staple in any wardrobe as they always come in handy to mix and match, I just wish I had tried it on as I had to pin it in as was a little big, nothing my trusty sewing machine can't fix once I get a table to set her up though ( another staple every gal needs). My shirt I purchased at H&M in the USA. Gosh, so many things purchased there, just so gosh darn cheap and suprisingly good quality too. My wedges are by Iron Fist and I found them in a little store in Vancouver, Canada. Ahoy sailor. The belt was a part of a dress that I purchased years ago at Trade Secrets. 

Accessories: My hair clip is from Sportsgirl. The earrings from Colette and the picnic basket was a find at a huge Lifeline thrift store on the Sunshine Coast. They always have so many treasures there as well as lots of random things to giggle at. Be warned, big stores like these make it very easy to get lost in. A day dreamers dream.

Pout: The shade I am wearing today is by MaxFactor and is shade ' Ruby Tuesday #715". Every time I say that name the song Ruby SoHo by Rancid always gets stuck in my little noggin,it's ok to dance around your room in your negligee right.

I also wanted to share this great shade of nail varnish. It is by China Glaze and is shade "High Roller". Matches the shade of lipstick perfectly and the name, well, the name says it all. 

Summer Days.

On this fine, warm and summery day I headed out to some of my favourite stores for a spot of 'window shopping' post cleaning the house and pre a visit from one of my dolls that was on her way up from interstate. Now this lovely ladeh is heading abroad for another grand adventure and has a beautiful 2 year old feline who needed a home for the time that she is away. I of course had to say yes to being a stand-in-momma.
This is what I wore. Pastel pinks and blues. Oh how I love summer.

Outfit: I have said it before and I shall say it again, I. Love. Gingham. My wardrobe can not get enough and so it shouldn't. This pretty as pie skirt I picked up at a Thrift store in Sherwood, Brisbane. I giggled when the at the Nannas at the counter saw that it did not had a price tag, to which they looked at the label on the skirt and said to each other 'Oh, it's a Jag, that's a good brand so that'll be $8 thanks love'. Even though all other items seemed not to be over $4 I didn't argue, it is a 'brand' after all. Bless their cotton socks. The T-ee is a no brand cotton number, one every wardrobe needs to have for these summer days. My pink flats today are from the store Ice and the pink gingham head tie I made. 

Accessories: Now I am forever being asked where I found my glasses. They are actually repo's from Ray Ban and I purchased mine from OPSM quite some time ago. I think they were also a limited edition but I'm sure can be still found. I mostly love them as they are such a big lens so I can see all with my big beady eyes. My earrings I bought at this great trashy costume jewellery store in NYC, fill a basket of great jewels for all of $10 or something like that, reason 127 why I miss that city. Now my beautiful 1960's Japanese Wicker purse was a purchase from Love Lucy Vintage Boutique. A style that I just can't get enough of, I especially love the beading detail on this one. It's just timeless and that's what I love.

Pout: This lipstick is part of the L'oreal long wear lip duo compact and is shade "Perma-Pink #103".

Monday 13 February 2012

Art Galleries & Lovely Ladehs

On this fine day I went to the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisvegas. They are running two free exhibitions at present. One by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama which was an exhibition of installations, sculptures, paintings and a film projection. I loved how interactive it was oh and ever so bright. The next exhibition was called 'We miss you Magic Land' and was an installation of a bright and glittery land made of sand and sugar, just beautiful. I enjoyed this day with two great friends, post this we dined at our favourite Japanese restaurant in South Bank then strolled along the river with ice-cream and banter.
This is how I dolled up for this sunny and soulful day.

Outfit: This frock I found in Cairns whilst I was there last at this cute store down this even cuter alleyway, the store is called Kaotica and they have such an amazing array of vintage clothing and jewellery, I fell in love with so many jewels. My shoes are a no brand, but pink and bright- what I'm loving at the moment, mix 2 pretty bold or pastel colours together, today as you can see it's green and pink. Perfect for a summers day out with the ladehs.

Accessories: My earrings were a buy at a market in Thailand but my ring, oh my beautiful Betsey Johnson ring. I feel it added some pazazz to this little outfit and with a hint of pink, well, had to match in perfectly with my colours of the day didn't it. Yes I have a mild case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I am also in love at present with this shade of nail polish. I always seem to wear reds but this week have mixed it up with the pastels. It's by Revlon and is shade 'Violetta', a limited edition, however. My perfume today is by the lovely Gwen Stefani and part of the Harajuku Lovers collection, smells like bananas and summer, true love in other words.

Pout: This bright little number I picked up at a Pharmacy. It's by Ultra 3 Lipstick Matte and is shade 'Harem Pink Matte'. Pucker up sailors. 

Here is a picture of all the goodins at the exhibition mentioned. If you reside near Brisbane, Australia you just must make it to catch it before they close early March. So much fun, be warned though you will leave craving candy for the rest of the day.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Films on a Friday

On this night I headed out for a lovely night of dinner and a movie. We went and saw The Artist and let me say it was just the most beautiful and funny film. I have enjoyed a silent film in the past but this was just made so beautifully. I highly recommend it. After this I went and met up with my darling house mate and close friend in the city where we drank a Litre Stein of beer (hey mine was a shandy as I never drink beer, it was actually delicious!!) We caught up on the weeks adventures and what a great end to the week it was and an even better start to the weekend ahead. This is what I wore.

Outfit: I picked up this little number at none other than Target a couple of weeks ago at Chermside shopping centre. I was shopping for lingerie and this dress jumped out at me from a hidden rack, it didn't have a tag but once I gave it to the shop assistant after trying it on and falling in love she informed me it was all of $14.88, hello sailor. I enjoy it as it has these lovely flared sleeves, also being bold red, how could I pass it up. The shoes are by the lovely Vivienne Westwood in collaboration with Melissa. One of the many pairs I own, such a fun and romantic shoe.

Accessories: These divine earrings are part of a cute and quirky collection from Erst Wilder, a designer from Melbourne but I funnily picked them up at my favourite boutique Love Lucy Vintage Boutique in Cairns, but never fear she does sell lots of her pretty delights through her Facebook store (just click on the name to be directed to the store).  The bag was purchased at the etsy store Rummage Vintage, the bangles are a scattered collection from various thrift stores around Brisvegas. 

Pout: I am wearing my favourite Revlon shade again today, 'Fire and Ice #720'. Pucker up lovahs.

How could I not post a pretty picture of the lovely lass and myself with our 1L Stein's. I am proud to say I finished it too and for a lass that never and I mean never sips on the bubbles of beer I truly am proud. I can tell you I slept very soundly that night.

Naughty Nights

So on this night I headed into town for a friends celebration for her day of birth. I had a couple of bubbles at home with some lovely dolls before we headed out for a night of dancing in slight. We had a few whisky's whilst out (I the bright bird decided on doubles) just to eventuate into some sickly ladies, so it was home for us at midnight. Met both some lovely new folk and caught up with some more vintage of friends. Was a delightful evening prior to a pumpkin being murdered scene. This is what I wore.

Outfit: This divine dress is made with love from the lovely Hot Couture. They are an Australian label and make the most beautiful of frocks. The garment is made so well with the best of fabrics and fits like a glove. As you could imagine I have a big wish list for them constantly. My shoes were purchased on eBay at this store SHOEZY-Co and although they are one of my cheaper pairs of shoes they are ever so comfortable and have lasted so well for the amont of ware and tare I have given them. I could wear them all night until the sun comes up and not even have the tootsies ache. Gosh I love wedges.

Accessories: So this clip of roses came stitched to a snood I purchased on eBay, the snood was actually quite small (I think it was either made for a dwarf or a bun). The store I found it on is Hakulnamatata and they have an assortment of pretty hair adornments. The bag is a etsy purchase all the way from California USA, the store is Luckedogsattic and they always stock lots of vintage treats. The ring was a gift from a friend I used to live with when I resided in Melbourne. What a town that place is, one of my great loves.

Pout: The lips I am wearing here is my shade of Rimmel London  shade 'Alarm #170'.
 Perfect for pouts and kisses.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Selfish Satadee's

Selfish Saturdays are what I like to be at least once a month. To sleep in, make a yummy cooked breakfast and then head out for a spot of shopping. It had been really rainy this week so to wake up to a glimpse of sunshine this morning was ever so lovely. So I put on one of my favourite frocks and headed out to enjoy my day (post the selfish sleep-in). I did quite well shopping actually, paid a visit to my favourite Mr Peter Alexander, purchased some delights at Dusk and some adorable accessories at Colette . Only to however walk outside to get into my car to leave and be absolutely saturated in torrential rain. All I can say is thank goodness I decided to wear my hair up in a bun rather that out. How beautiful that would have been.

Outfit: This dress I can not for the life of me remember where I purchased it from, it is vintage and either from eBay or Etsy , either way they are both a gold mine if you are willing to put in the hours sifting through page after page. Something I actually find strangely therapeutic. The style is a 70's day dress and although the fabric can be quite warm as it's quite thick and not very breathable it is a comfortable number either way, just a little toasty.  My shoes I have had for years, many many years, once again no idea where from (I'm doing really well at giving away my secrets this post aren't I-insert sheepish look on my face here).

Accessories: The flower in my hair is one of many from Diva . So easy to do this hairstyle if it's just too hot to wear down or you're just too plain lazy to do much of anything. Twist both sides back&hold in with a-pin then bring all your hair at the back to a point and roll upwards-almost like a horizontal victory roll, bobby-pin and add a flower if you desire to, easy and yet a bit prettier than a plain'ol bun or pony tail. 
The bag I have mentioned before, found at a lifeline store in Cleveland, Brisbane. The earrings picked up at the Phuket City markets in Thailand. My brooch I found at this delightful little store called Mombasa . I remember there used to be a store where I lived on the gold coast many many years ago and they would always have the cutest knick'knacks and accessories. Well now there are a few stores scattered around the place, even an online one-check it out. Palm tree's and an island breeze are amongst my favourite thangs. The perfume of choice on this day to match my summer outfit is another by Gwen Sefani, this time by Harajuku Lovers and is scent 'G' . Isn't the bottle just so cute, I have a few of them sitting on my dresser, like a gang of cute little harajuku gals. 

Pout: This lipstick is  called JĂĄger and is shade 'Copper #16'.
I mentioned this lipstick in a earlier post and stated I would re-post due to the cute case it's in. Isn't it sweet, I'm a terrible 'window shopper' as anything cute, kitsch or set up adorably makes me melt and give in (ending in a purchase of course). I'm a visual merchandisers dream, I keep them in a job. Enough,ok enough, I'm blabbering on again.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Fabulous Fridee's

There is something special that is in the air on Fridays. It doesn't matter what you have to do at work because you know at the end of the day you are free, if only for a couple of days, your free to dine, dance, shop, well do just whatever it takes to make your heart sparkle. Gosh even the long drives to work are so much easier, I find I will put on a more cheerier of records on this morning. Fridays are especially great when you have dinner dates that evening you look forward to. On this evening I was heading out with my younger brother, he is going into his final year of study to be a Graphic Designer and starts back at school on Monday, so dinner out to celebrate was due. We went to this cute pizza place in Brisvegas called Ribbetts which he frequents with his university friends. I then went home to a couple of sneaky and delightful glasses of wine and a plan to draw up a world map for our house..most weekends we have a 'travel night' where we dress, dine and drink as they do in our country of choice, so we are using a wall to showcase something really fun and special-stay tuned.

Outfit: This dress is not only vintage but is very special to me in a vintage way. My Nanna made it for herself to wear to my uncles wedding in the 1970's. She always made the most beautiful clothes. When I was a child I would always head down to stay at her place for the school holidays, she lived in the country not to far from the Northern NSW coast and it was the most beautiful spot. Anyway she would always have a new set of Pyjamas and a new frock waiting for me, all that she would have made herself. This dress is so cute, it's lined beautifully, has a crocheted peter pan collar and itsy bitsy shoulder pads to give that classic 1940's shape to it. I have added a belt to bring the waist shape in a bit more, another thrift store find. My shoes are by the magnificent Melissa . I have a couple of pairs of shoes she did in with collaboration with Vivienne Westwood, these gorgeous jelly wedges are however part of her own line. They are so comfortable and I just adore the hearts on the peep toe.

Accessories: This bag I picked up at a cute little boutique on my last trip to New York City last February. My most favourite place to shop, there is something for every taste and mood in that city. It is clearly a rip-off of the Chanel style but I was happier to dish out an 8th of the price and spend the rest at Tiffany and Co.
The perfume I wore on this day is the first fragrance bought out by my longest standing and favourite icon Mrs Gwen Stefani. It's called 'L' by Gwen Stefani , it's a floral scent with a hint of musk, fresh and fancy. My hair clips were part of a gift from my sister as I was her Maid of Honour for her wedding,unsure where she got them from, I enjoy having something pretty and bejewelled like this to pin my hair back opposed to boring 'ol bobby pins.

Pout: The lipstick I am wearing here is shade 'Alarm #170' by Rimmel . I say you can never have too many shades of red, and believe me there are many many shades to play with. Nothing better to target your inner vixen than with some pouty prominent red vivacious lips.

This is my lovely brother and myself out at dinner. Ain't he just the dandiest!

Friday 20 January 2012

Sassy Satadee's

Saturdays when the sun is shining and your sister has come to spend the day with you, well you have no choice but to wake up with a smile on your face. I had a consult this morning as I am finally getting around to having my back piece started. I had to go in to have some photos taken so he could properly draw it up to map perfectly to my back (yes from the nape of my neck to the booty it is going to be). This is what I wore to make it easy access I suppose you could say (why, oh why does that sound ever so skanky, I shuddered as I wrote that). No skank in the blood of this ladeh, all class with maybe a little vixen.

Outfit: This top I found at a store on Bridge Road in Richmond Victoria, one of the best shopping streets I have come across if you love outlet stores. I used to work at Epworth Hospital which is right smack bang in the middle so as you could imagine this little ladeh made regular lunch breaks 'outside'. I purchased this top at the Mink Pink store for all of $15 and I seriously kick myself every time I look at it as it also came in pink and red, why oh why I didn't get them also I will never know. The skirt is a thrift store find. The shoes I also purchased on Bridge Road at a cute little store right opposite the Hospital, a cute little wedge and bow, how sweet. They are by Claude d'Alban. 

Accessories: Now my bag, this adorable cane bundle of goodness I found at the Cleveland Markets. A lady who ran the store had all sorts of goodies that she scouted over in Bali and she had this bag in a whole array of colours. It's also very good for me as it is quite small, so prevents me from loading myself up like a mule every time I leave the house. This necklace, this post is practically in awe of this beautiful piece of jewellery. One of my all time greatest friends, the most sweetest gal you will ever know (that's a G-Rated version of Sammy Sweetheart for you Miss Bell). Anyway she came to visit last weekend and brought me a large array of gifts as a belated birthday present, this was one of them. It's a vintage typewriters key and is an "L" of course, I like to  say it's an "L for Lady Love the Legend" not Laura which is my actual name. Ain't it just the most devine thang, it's so special to me. I saw someone with a similar one ages ago and just thought it was the most beautiful piece, so I am beyond ecstatic to have my own now. Another piece of jewellery a woman should own is silver hoop earrings, I, for as long as I can remember have always had a pair, when you're not feeling like anything delicate or have a piece of jewellery on that you want to be the feature, well then a simple pair of hoop earrings go just perfectly, simple with a little bit of pizzaz. Safe to say I feel like I'm channeling my inner Cowgirl today. Now where is that young and delicious Clint Walker at.

Pout: One of my favourites today. One by the ever devine Chanel. Its a Rouge CoCo by the shade of number #19 "Gabrielle".

Fantastic Fridays

So I am lucky to have one RDO a month where I work and I always try and suit them to a Friday, there is not a lot more exciting than a long weekend- its like a mini holiday and we all know how much I adore them.
On this day I had a few appointments I had to attend to. I was lucky enough to have my mother along with me though. She came and met me at my humble abode mid morning where I had arranged a little morning tea. We then went out to a lovely lunch in this cute little suburb called Bulimba in Brisbane, we sipped on some white wine, nibbled on muscles soaked in garlic,white wine and tomatoes and then finished the meal off with Affogattos (seriously, coffee and ice-cream. Such a treat). We then ventured into this cute little independent book store next door called River-bend books where I found a cute as pie book that I have been searching for.
So the trip I have been planning for myself this week is to France, Paris mostly with a trip down to Morocco and maybe up over the border to Brussels. Champagne, coats, flea markets and the pretty country side. I absolutely CAN NOT wait and this book is perfectly written to what I want. Once I have read it a bit more in depth I shall make a post in its glory. This is what I wore on this day. Bon voyage.

Outfit: I purchased this fantastic frock last weekend at my ever so favourite Wooloongabba Antique Centre. I call it my sexretary dress, I love a 70's style tie and a pretty floral print, perfect for this warm summers day and Specialists appointments. I hold my hand across my heart when I pledge that it is beyond impossible to step foot into the doors of WAC and not walk out with something in your grubby little hands. Its like something supernatural comes over you and takes you to a world of 'ohhhh look at that, oh,yes I definitely NEED this'. Hey I sure ain't complaining. The shoes I found at the store 'Payless' Shoes. I was walking on by minding my own business and they were just sitting on the outside display sweetly calling my name. I still live by the rule of having to own a pair of wedges in all colours-the most comfiest of shoes, for dining and dancing or shopping and socialising. They were all of $39.00 too.

Accessories: The bag, I have posted about earlier, still a favourite. The earrings I found at the city markets in Phuket Thailand last year, for all of 100Bht (approx. $3AUD). I can't wait to go back there purely for shoes and accessories shopping, it's a gold mine it is. The flower is from the accessories store Diva, pretty sure the pink is matched perfectly to my frock, love it when that happens. My ever so pretty and delicate ring I found at a cute little boutique in Mooloolaba on the Sunshine Coast. I used to frequent the Starbucks there quite regularly in a past life and paid a visit back there a few months ago and stepped into this little store which is right by it. They had a 3 tier stand full of different pearls, easy to say I stood there for some time trying to pick a favourite, which i though was cruel, I'll compare it to having to pick a favourite child, just not right. Anyone I took home this little lady and I love her to bits and bring her out on all special occasions. My perfume of choice is Miss Cherie Dior from the lovely Dior.

Pout: This one was given to me from an old friend, I love it for the case which I will post at a later date. It's called JĂĄger and is shade 016 'Copper'. 

Sunday 15 January 2012

Dining and Dancing. A Ladehs prerogative .

What a wonderful weekend I did just have. One of my favourite women in the world came to stay for the weekend. Friday night we feasted on the couch and then lay in bed catching up till one am to wake up bright and early come Satadee where we spent the day thrifting and lunching. That evening I was lucky enough to head out for a eve of amazing food,wine and women followed by a spot of dancing.
I land at today where I headed to the local market with my brother to gather our groceries for the week. I may have had a half an hour nap before heading into South Bank in Brisvegas to meet an old friend that I have not seen in years, I have not even met her nearly 2 year old Mr yet,in fact the last time I saw her she had only just discovered she was pregnant, so, as you can imagine we sat there for many hours catching up, giggling and devouring a plate of waffles with ice-cream, bananas and strawberries at the ever delightful Max Brenners. It was so lovely to see her again and I am looking forward to many more rendezvous with all the above mentioned parties. I really am lucky to have met some amazing people and so many that even though I may not have seen them in years it is like no time has passed and there is never any shortage of conversation. There is no greater thing than life.

This is what I amused myself with dress ups today (I had captured yesterdays outfit which has disappeared from my phone,why oh why ' aint I technically savvy).

Outfit: This dress (which is badly ironed due to my iron having a hissy fit-please oh please don't judge) I purchased at a clothing outlet called Trade Secrets. It is the brand 'Sunny Girl' and is the lightest cotton and so comfortable to wear. I don't call myself a Pink Lady for nothing. My shoes were a purchase on eBay, pink, bows and a little heel, channeling my inner dorothy . The eBay store I found them on is: funkykiwi and opposed to a lot of things I find on there that can break or ware out so quickly they are actually very durable and have lasted and worn very well.

Accessories: My bag, how devine is she. The western buckles, the perfect length of handle and crisp shade of white was purchased on Etsy at the store: RummageVintage , always so many treats to search through. My bamboo bangles were also purchased on Etsy at the store: Spiffytyrant . She also makes some beautiful jewellery and stocks a lot of vintage jewels to match. I absolutely love finding all these cute Etsy stores, as most are based in the states they always have the most delicate of goodies as the amount of estate sales that are on a weekly basis all across the country make it a perfect opportunity to gather goodies to stock in their stores. I'll never forget my find of 6 vintage hats that were sent from New York for all of $26. Yup, really. My pearl headband was purchased at the jewellery store Diva, perfect for trying to hide my horrid regrowth. Oh the joys of being a bottle blonde.
The cute as pie belt and gorgeous gingham sunglasses were given to me as a gift for my day of birth from my favourite ladeh that came to stay with me this past weekend. She does know me all to well, to surprise me with a bunch of my favourite thangs (you just wait to see what else she gave me!!). They are both from this really cute store Forever New that has the most devine range of feminine clothing and accessories to match. A store I know to only allow myself to visit to very seldom due to the range of amazingness they have.

Pout: This pretty shade of pink is by Dior and is Dior addict # 579 "Rose Vision". Just a perfect amount of sparkle to add a bit of glam to my outfit.

Monday 9 January 2012


To beat the summer heat I decided to go thrifting, boy 'o boy that probably wasn't the best of ideas as it was very hard to get out of my air conditioned car each time I landed at a new destination. Thank goodness I didn't wear make-up (minus eyes and pout of course) because my face was melting off without it, thank goodness for slurpee's.

Outfit: This dress I bought at Greezefest which is a 1950's nostalgic festival held in Brisvegas, Queensland each year. It is the brand Hell Bunny and stocked by That Shop which is currently based on the Gold Coast but a little birdy that I spoke with at Wooloongabba Antique Centre today told me they are opening another store in Stones Corner shortly, dangerous but wonderful as they stock lots of goodies from Pinup Couture & Deadly Dames, Hell Bunny and Lux de Ville, all the great repo brands. The shoes are from that really really bad (well one of) clothing stores 'Ice' that are always situated in shopping malls, I only stepped in there as these shoes were sitting in the window display and are a lovely sugar shade of pink and all of $15.

Accessories: My ever so crisp and lace hair adornment is a flower I purchased yesterday at Target, it's always nice when your work gives you a gift card to purchase all these sorts of little bits & pieces.
My bracelet was a gift from my clinic manager for my 28th birthday. She also gave me some earrings and they are both by the brand Lovisa who are widely stocked in Myers. Anyway what a gem she is, obviously knows me too well as it consists of; pearls, a tea cup a cupcake and love (note; it has two cute little heart charms also). The bag I found at a thirft store on Ipswich Road in Annerley, I love anything wicker but am still on a lookout for a cute Japanese style one from the 1960's <3 Gahh, so much love.

Pout: This is actually a Dual-ended lipgloss/lipstick combo that I purchased through Avon, yes it sometimes happens that I have workmates leave mail order catalogues on my desk which I usually can not help but flip through and become quick to compile a massive shopping list from, even if it is, well, Avon. All aside it is actually a good gloss (the lipstick, not so much) so I am tickled pink-pardon the pun that I did put my snobbery aside and purchase it. It is a shade called ' Mauve Rose Pink'.

You didn't really think I wold pass up all the cute little purchases I made did you? So my first stop was a little RSPA thrift store which was in a bog 'ol shed and I drank a whole bottle of water in the 15 minutes I was there as the heat was a killer. Anyway enough shinfo, I absolutely adore boardgames and nights in with friends playing them whilst snacking on tasty hors d'oeuvres & sipping on pretty drinks. I don't have a lot of my games anymore as I was lazy in gathering my belongings a while back, so it's nice to have an old favourite back 'Pictionary', so excited to have a Ladies night this weekend and dust off my skills. hehe. I scored it for all of 7 nickels. I also found this cute little lace number of a top, a cute vase and 2 new bangles. A day out thrifting always has to end in a visit to either Wooloongabba Antique Centre or Paddington Antique. So many treasures to handle. I purchased this little peter pan collar lemon tinge dress at WAC. What a day.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Devilish Dining

Whilst still in Cairns we would venture out each night for dinner, two nights in a row we found ourselves back at this amazing little Japanese restaurant around the corner from our hotel and right near our little bike hire place. What a delicacy it is, one of my favourite meals; Salmon sashimi, Gyoza and a serving of avocado rolls, oh yum.  With a side of pickle ginger of course oh and some peach ice-tea puhlease. In true form any excuse to get dressed up, this is what I wore one evening.

Outfit: The ever so pretty and petite top was found at Kitten D'Amour, such a pretty mix of pink, lace and bows. I purchased it alongside this very fluffy black organza ballet skirt which I think can only be pulled off by wearing it at the Ballet or Opera in Paris but lucky enough the top can be worn on a dress down occasion. Not that I ever want to 'dress down'. The skirt I found at the local thrift store near my work, high waisted and linen with cute zippers, safe to say I squealed in delight when I found this one, especially seeing as it was $3.50. My shoes are a target purchase from many moons ago. And the belt came with another dress I had purchased online that I will no doubt mention in a future post. Another outfit tip; a thin black belt is the best friend of a gal that ones many a high waisted items, it can also jazz up a simple cardigan by placing it around your waist with your cardie unbuttoned by just a few for a little cheek. Target your inner vixen ladies.

Accessories: My earrings were found at an op shop when I was living on the Sunshine Coast (I think,I have the 'end of year/holiday period' brain). 
Now my handbag, ahhh my darling handbag. So I am lucky enough to be living with my greatest friend, she's a real doll and has been by my side through some very stormy days and has laughed with my on my sunniest of days. I would really be lost without her, she's a real betty that Shatzeh. Anyway it was my 28th birthday last year and she was kind enough to treat me to this Lux de Ville bag as the biggest surprise ever-although she couldn't keep it as a surprise too long and gave it to me a week early because she was just too excited, as was I as soon as I laid eyes on it.

Pout: Oh Revlon, so many shades, so many choices they give a lady. This one is matte 'Pink Pout' shade 002.

Tantalising Tropics

So as we can all tell I picked a terrible time to start a blog. In all honesty it has been on my mind to post all my little treasures everyday for the past month but between moving and travelling around the place for work my tired little paws just couldn't get it together.
It's ok though, beware this Ladeh of Love is back with a vengeance and it so happens to be a new year, so happiest of new years to all the lovers that stumble by this here blog. I hope you all welcomed it in with copious glasses of champagne and many a kisses. Let's also hope you all have a year filled with love and adventures and all things pretty (men included).
So as mentioned I was away for work. I was lucky enough to have a couple of paid trips to Cairns in far north Queensland to complete a little certificate in Positive Parenting to add to my ever growing resume as a Nurse. The second time round trip I packed my darling mother in my suitcase and we headed up a few days earlier pre accreditation and exams for the above mentioned course. Between wining and dining, exploring the beautiful hills of Kuranda, a sunset cruise on a yacht around Port Douglas, bicycle rides around the coastline and a road trip out to Mossman Gorge in the Daintree Rainforest I of course paid a couple of trips to my new found love of vintage stores in Cairns. Such a delight. I can't wait to take my group of lady friends up there sometime this year and show them all the wonders I have found.

Outfit: This skirt is one of my all time favourite pieces in my wardrobe. Anything Hawaiian and Aloha tempts my heart. An old flame used to work at this devine store based in Melbourne Route 66, I purchased this one when we lived down there a few years ago. It's a must visit and if you're lucky a must live in city once in your life, so much love,warmth & fun oozes from that place. This Tee was a thrift store purchase sometime last year at one that I can not remember. My shoes were also a vintage find in a thrift store in Capalaba which is in south east Brisbane. There are a bunch of stores within a block of each other that both stock amazing cutsey home wares and shoes, my loves.

Accessories: The earrings I found in you guessed it, another op shop. That's what I love about them though, the assortment of trashy plastic jewellery you can pick up for nothing over 20 to 50 cents. Cheap enough to have a pair in ever shade. My watch was a golden find on eBay I was searching for bamboo bangles and came across this little gem. Always need a watch so you can keep track of when it's cocktail hour. 

Pout: This is a new delight I picked up on my trip. Max Factor Colour Elixir shade ' 715' Ruby Tuesday.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

A bible for Vintage Fashionista Bookworms

So I stumbled across this book a few weeks ago after I had heard the Queen Street Plaza was having a showing of costumes from the T.V series Mad Men, one that I have watched from season 1 to 4 three times over this past year. I have fallen in love with each character (a small secret-Mr Donald Draper is my phone screen saver, seriously). I have gotten too involved in all the dramas and yearned for a whisky whilst watching each episode. The set, the dashing Draper and beautiful Betty kill my little eyes and I feel like a school girl wanting to be them when I grow up, but alas the one thing that makes my heart tick throughout the whole series is, of course, the wardrobe. Hats, gloves, frocks and shoes. By golly it really is a minefield of glory in my eyes.

Anyway enough lusting, I missed the showing of said costumes which I then found out was a book launch for 'The Fashion File' which is a book on Advice, Tips and Inspiration from the costume designer of the series Janie Bryant. She was also the costume creator of the series 'Deadwood', which was another amazing watch. It's a beautiful book and I have a feeling is going to sit on my boudoir table for months to come.

It's a treasure trove for pretty pictures and also advice and tips on; a perfect colour chart, accessories (a favourite), flattering styles for all different shapes, even how to obtain your measurements for yourself and also how to do your own measures for the perfect fitting brazier.

I love what she has written as a send off at the end of the book:

"What I love about style is, it allows you to express yourself. You can reveal your wit or nostalgia or sense of wanderlust through fashion. And please don't let me ever hear you moan 'But I have no style". It's there, I promise you.
Having said that, I do have a couple of firmly held personal beliefs about looking and feeling great: First and foremost, fantastic style flourishes from a foundation of self-love. Remember those heart-thumping high school crushes that made you walk into walls? Well, now is your time to become infatuated with you. Buy a bouquet of Dutch tulips for your bedside table, dress up on a rainy day just to admire yourself in the mirror. In short, pay more attention to yourself than anyone else for once in a while.
Second, you must always trust your own instincts about style. If you love a certain piece or colour and it makes you beam, wear it. The confidence and exhilaration you exude in that outfit becomes a major percentage of your style.
And most importantly, always have fun with fashion. Look for cultivating your styles as a creative outlet and indulge in your inner fantasies"

Anyway here are some favourite parts of the lovely hardcover treasure trove.

The ever devine front cover of the book & the even more devine January Jones and Jon Hamm, swoon. There has never been a more creamy couple.

A passion for vintage from the 1920's to the 1970's. 
The 1950's being a favourite, organza gowns and gorgeous gloves <3

Followed closely by the 1940's. The War Bride era, seamed stockings, hemlines hit the knee lengths of seamed skirts, and the shoulder pads that helped create a silhouette. What a dream.

The dressing room. The foundations; bras to girdles to garters. Your silhouette starts with your foundation garments. 

Throughout the book it has lovely little checklists and cocktail chatter. 
Cute little tips, ie; devoting an hour or so varying the look of your little black dress with accessories like belts, wraps, add bangles or gloves.
I truly believe with accessories More is More. 
"Wink at yourself in the mirror before you leave the house and add one more accessory"
Ain't that just the dandiest thang.

Defining you silhouette and secrets for dressing your shape

As little girls, we play dress-up because we want to be someone else. Now we play dress-ups to show the world the amazing women we have become.

Ciao Bella.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Island Sundays

So this past weekend was spent (trying) to pack up my belongs to move, watching Broadwalk Empire, exploring the Island I have been living on and hanging with my nephew. I however had a huge burden on my shoulders, being that I had to study and write my speech for my accreditation of a course I attended in Cairns. I am to go back there in a week and anhalf to do this and with all the distractions (see above) it just wasn't getting done at home. So I packed my books in my car and went for a drive out to the side of the Island with all the pretty cafes, in hope of sitting there with a coffee and maybe some sugary treats and no distractions. Once I was there though, being a Sunday and the sleepy town that it is, everything was shut. So it was back home for me to pick up my little friend Batman and have a picnic in the park. So even though I didn't accomplish all I needed this weekend, it was still a blast.

Outfit: This dress I found at the Thrift store on North Stradbroke Island last year, how fitting as well, the sweet Hibiscus flower print, pastel colours, perfect for this Island gal. The belt I also found at the same thrift store and it matches in great, an outfit for under $5 nickels. My shoes I bought in Thailand, at this great market in a temple in Karon Beach (on the island of Phuket) which are only open on Tuesday's and Saturday's, they cost me all of 100bht which is around $3AU, so much love.

Accessories: The earrings I found online in a cute store on etsy : So sweet, I'm a sucker for anything nautical or silver so how could I pass them up. The bangles I have acquired all around the place. The red one I found last weekend at my local thrift store for a whole 30cents, the white ones I can't even remember, I think I found them in a pack with some red ones years ago in target, or one of those cheap jewellery stores. There are some great stores online (eBay also) that sell bulk bamboo style bangles that I just have to invest in soon, I have recently found a love for mismatched coloured bangles.

Pout: This is a sweet lipgloss that I wear day to day. It's Chanel 'Brilliant Le'vres shade 67'

How could I not share a picture of the ever lovely batman that I met in the park. This is my darling 4 year old nephew Archer. We sat all afternoon and talked about superhero's and what Danger is. Such a sweet little man. I especially loved how he asked me to slick back his hair like batman, fix his squished little nose from his magic mask and ask me to be his bat woman <3

Monday 7 November 2011

Ladies who Lunch

So this past weekend I went to Siroment Winery at Mt Cotton for a monthly 'Ladies who Lunch' luncheon where we gorge on delicious foods and random chit chat. It was such a beautiful day weather wise and we were served with far too many platters for a group of 7 and I had way too big a slice of cake, I don't feel guilty though, nope, not one bit.

Outfit: This dress I picked up a couple of weekends ago at one of my dearest friends stores, . It is a piece out of the 'Prim and Proper" range. I have worn it without a petticoat as I didn't want to be too formal at a luncheon, it really is perfect with a few layered petticoat underneath but still sits out nicely without one. Watch out for your bosoms though you big busted ladehs because it really doesn't hide much in that department, not one for the faint hearted.

Accessories: This bag I picked up at a Thrift store I'm pretty sure in Sydney years and years ago, nothing better than picking up a bright little number for under $2.00. My earrings are a hand-me-down from my mother, she said she has had them since the 70's, back in her Sydney living days also. My ring is from Wallace Bishop Jewellers, when my marriage ended one silly thing I missed was wearing my rings, they were so beautiful and having diamonds on your hand just feel so, dainty. So I went out one day and splurged, sure they aren't real diamonds but it sparkles just as pretty and makes me feel just as special, if not a little more because I got it for myself with no guilt, a new kind of special, my very own kind of special. Actually that was a great week, I bought my first car, booked a holiday to Thailand and acquainted myself with a lovely piece of jewellery . The shoes are a gift from my lovely mother again, I think she picked them up at a boutique in Cleveland. See a pair of ballet flats in every colour come in handy, especially when you know you are going to be walking in a garden/winery drinking wine out in the sunshine, shoes with height would not be a smart idea.

Pout: I am wearing a lipstick my late Aunt left me (she left me all her unused makeup and perfumes) many years ago, yes it's probably out of date but it still wears well and isn't funky by any means. It's Estee Lauder All day Beautiful Pink R66, i'd actually love to know i they still make it. Looks like another visit to Myers is due.

Monday 31 October 2011

Nocte Boudoir

This post is dedicated to my favourite part of most days. When the sun's gone down, dinner is over and the dishes are done. When you get to relax in your comfiest of negligée's with a glass of your favourite poison and your most enjoyable of records.

Outfit: If I were ever to re marry it would only be to a selection of fine men, one being Mr Peter Alexander. What a divine gentleman he is, to create such beautiful pieces for your boudoir. I purchased this one a few months ago and it is so comfortable. I get surprised with how often new collections come up. A site you sure shouldn't pass up, just don't step into a store- it's sure to get you
Anyway I can never pass up anything Gingham or anything a cute shade of pink.

Poison: My father treated me to a bottle of wine, he orders it from the Guide Dogs monthly and will usually get a couple of cases in each shade of wine. Tonight I had Tyrrells Shiraz Cabernet, the perfect concoction to warm the soul.

Record: I can not stop listening to of late Mariache El Bronx, just totally and utterly head over heels.Can not wait to hold another Mexican Fiesta soon.

Now I can't go through the week without setting my hair, 3 down the middle, 2 on each side and bricka-bracked down the back. Ladies these babies will be your best friend for life. Weather you are wanting some body in your lovely locks or curls to get the boys'a lusting, they are sure to do the trick. They take 10 minutes to heat up, 2 to put in (once you have it down pat of course) and around 30-60 mins to cool, if your feeling really game and want a set that stays perfect for days you can sleep in them, with a decent hair net or scarf to cover but let me assure you this is not for the faint hearted or the light sleeper.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Cleaning Sundays

Today was a stay home and do my washing and cleaning day. Was going to attempt to go through all my boxes and things I have to move, but, well that was way too big of a task so it was put on the back burner...again.

Lucky it was steaming hot out, my clothes dried within a moment out in the sun. As did my sheets, lucky me though, I put my back out re-making my bed with them so the rest of the afternoon was spent laying like a plank on my bed. If I didn't have my fresh sheets I may have been cranky about it.

Outfit: I picked up this lovely day dress at  It is one of my all time favourite stores in this whole big world. It's always hard to stop at just a couple of purchases though. It has no tag so I am unsure who it is made by and where from.
I'm unsure where I picked up these little ballerina flats but I believe every gal should own a pair in every colour to go with every outfit when more dressy shoes are just not appropriate, like when cleaning and hanging out the washing. Although, there's nothing wrong with that is there. Life is better in pretty shoes.

Accessories: I believe headscarves are a gals best friend, for hot days and lazy days, just whip a couple of pins in a french twist and apply a scarf over and voila. This one I acquired at a thrift store years ago, too long ago to even remember which one.
My earrings were given to me by the lovely Lucy at Love Lucy Vintage Boutique   They are clip ones and stay on suprisingly well. I have a few pairs of vintage clip ons but find they fall off at the faintest touch, being over 50 years old will do that I guess.

So it's Monday already again tomorrow, I'm sure the weekend will be back around again as quick as it was over. It's meant to be 25 degrees and sunny tomorrow, If only I could go on a picnic, instead I'm back in my little clinic. One day closer to my next little holiday. Positive thinking, ha!

Friday 28 October 2011

Satadee Pink Lady

So today I am spending the day hunting for the perfect cottage for summer.

I awoke at 5:00am and boy oh boy was the hard, I am not one that goes to bed early so I didn't have as much beauty sleep as I surely needed.

Outfit: You will never guess where I purchased this lovely off the shoulder Tee from, Coles Supermarket, that's right folks apparently supermarkets now stock clothes and swimwear. We really are getting more Americanized by the day. Oh & the Tee was only $15, how I love a bargain.
My skirt is one I also purchased recently at *ahem* Valley Girl, I can't believe my whole wardrobe today is 'new'.
The fabulous scarf was a gift from one of my dearest & oldest friends Wahoo, she's been over seas for a couple of years & I miss her ever so, it's a nice little reminder of her, close to my heart.

Accessories: The shoes I purchased on eBay about a year ago (a gals best friend ye'ol eBay,everything right there at your fingertips).
My bag I found at a little op shop in Cleveland, I was having my nails done & day dreaming out the window (a favorite past time) and I saw it in the window o the shop opposite the salon & squeeled in delight. It was something ridiculous like $7.00 too.
My bracelets are a mixture from etsy and he large one I got bought for me when I was in Thailand. I was sitting at this little tiki bar talking to the bar gals, trying to talk about our lives, where they are from and their families brought very broken English. It was quite funny actually, sitting the for 5hrs sipping on Malibu, haggling at lady boys & having D&M's with ladies you can hardly understand. Abyway they asked why I was there in Thailand, a trip I'd planned for myself and also what I do for work. They were so estatic to hear of my career as a nurse & my further studies to become a midwife so they called over a local lass sellin jewels and showered me in them. So surreal but so special, they were all clapping and laughing wih tears in their eyes. Ha,then started a man hating conversation but we won't go there, that's something I've released from this little mind.

Pout: This is a lipstick I picked up whilst in NYC earlier this year, another trip I did all on my lonesome. It was so wonderful. Anyway I purchased it at Sephora and it's shade 'Rouge 10'. So delicious.

Have a Devine-o weekend lovelies.
Au Revoir.